Thursday, July 28, 2011

Struggle tym from april till july and still struggling.

I have not updated this blog from past many months, just because was very busy with many things...
on 9th or 10th April went to mumbai, after leaving my job. My last working day was 31st march 2011.
But the gap between 1st april till the date i went to mumbai.... that time was very horrible for me.. because my mom sis n her kids already been to mumbai one month 26 of march 2011 n i was all alone.. had no work to do no one near me... being alone was so a mental torture for me... was feeling so suffocation from inside.. and i found d best answer in a mosque... I try to sit thr for long time, n it brought a great relax to my mind n heart.

Went to Mumbai:
With the hopes that my elder brother n me will work together to stand our own business... but it was very challenging for us.
We have to set up our office at bhayander in mumbai... for which renovation has to b done... And I spend my time there to renovate all with the labours and giving instructions to them... It took around 2 months for me to do several things there apart from office renovation.
At the same time I was worried for my surgery because I have to go Delhi and get my surgery complete... as doctors planted a Tissue Expander under my skin on shoulder.. Doctor has to do saline water fillings every week.. so that it can expand my skin.
I had word with Aquib on phone that I wanna come Delhi but can't bring mom along with me as she is not able to walk properly, and any of my sibling also can't come with me as they are into their own problems... and I also don't have guts to ask them to come along with me for my surgery... At last Aquib said come to Delhi I will be there with you in hospital..

Went to Delhi 19th may 2011:
I have no work to do here... Aquib planned with me already that when I will come to Delhi we will go to Mussourie for a trip with Aquib's mom dad and his younger brother. Been to Mussouri for four days and all the expenses were incurred by Aquib here as I was short of money this time and it was decided that I will give it back to him later.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My thought regarding Career(02/03/2011)

I am very much confused about what all is going with me from past year. First of all an incident changed the whole life,
1. Was in hospital from 10 February till 21 February again and don't know for how many times more I have to get admit .  Got mental harassment over there.
2. Now when I re-joined my office many bumps are coming ahead for my career path... And I am, and I have to struggle for it a lot. As today 2nd date of March in 2011,  Yesterday the decision I took was wrong or right I don't know but I know somehow or somewhere I will make those decision right. I have resigned from my Office on 1st March.
3. Some family issues because of which all my day even if I am at work, I have to think about the remedies.

The organization where I already have invested my almost 4 years, I took the step to leave it, Just because I made a plan for my family to stay together in one city one home. It was my initiative so I have to look for it, I know many consequences will come many problems, difficulties I will face, but only apart from ALLAH I have faith on my elder brother to be with me and solve these problems.
                  I was typing resignation e-mail and was thinking before sending it to the concern person rather I should send it or not, Because I knew If I will send it I will have no other option to look back. Discussed it with my brother that I have format written in front of me, but still thinking what will happen If I will send it, had discussions for hours with him and my other family members, as I believe family is the only source from where I can get the better suggestion and solution for all the problems i have. And at last sent the resignation.

Now when I have resigned from my Office, I am looking to climb up the ladder of success. I have to serve notice period of 30 calendar days,So that they may find a suitable substitute for me.
And after it I will continue with Bhai in the business at Mumbai. Though it is a good option, Insted I would say a very good option, still I am upset to leave the place, I know these types of situations usually comes, but I am going to face it for the first time. Just keepin my fingers crossed wishing to ALLAH, and hoping for the best INSHALLAH.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Weakness

No one on Earth is perfect and everyone know this, Its just that if you know your weakness you can work on it to overcome the same. A best describer would be the person himself who can describe and judge on his own according to his strength and weakness. I think this is the high time now that I should start working on myself so that I should not relate myself into some consequences I have been through. Right now while writing all this stuff I am thinking of all my weaknesses on which I need to work and on which I am working.

Things on which I need to work

1. Saving:- No one on this planet can help you If you yourself is not financially strong. Need to follow the policies of an Insurance Company before they sell any policy to you, they say "anything can happen anywhere and anytime", you never know when you would be in need of funds for your basic needs. You can't ask for money from your family and friends if you are employed, and also asking people to lend me money is not my cup of tea. I have my own attitude.
2. Spend Less Money:- Though I know its very much related to the point above, but If I am not going to control this my first point would not come into existence. Usually I spend money where there is no need, which I have to control on. Just for example, purchasing things which are of no use at that point in time. I need to keep a check on it.

3. Egoistic:- I have even noticed that I become egoistic sometimes with the people with whom there is no need. Ego problem is not good for us to keep, Sometimes It harms you only in revert. Lets take an example of a friend, there is a friend and due to his/her busy schedule he/she is not able to contact you and the day passes although you want to be in contact, now the person who was busy can think that you did not even contacted him once, now here we think that the other person should contact first, and days passes you both forget each other, loses the comfort level between you 2, just because of a small ego you have lost a precious friend. On the other hand if he/she is your gf/bf you would have contact several times a day.

4. Thinking Big:- I have to start think big, I should start believing on the phrase "just because of your profit in present you should not ignore and forget that how it can impact your future"

5. Short temper:- Several times I have noticed that my temperament influenced me only, I have a weird experience of it. Three years back from now due to some dispute with my family member I turned 10,000 Rupees into many pieces, and that money was mine only, all my debit cards was snatched away from me by my parents, and I was out of money for couple of months. I still have to work on my temperament, because I have not learned anything from that instance.

Weaknesses on which I am working

Sunday, May 2, 2010

This is My Weekend

My Saturday :-
On Friday when I was in office, one of my friend(don't want to disclose her name) called me on my phone and she said that I am going to meet you tommorow, then I said to her that we will talk in the morning due to my office hours, because i know that if we will start the conversation then it will go for hours and I never compromise with my work, because I heard a slang "Person who is not loyal to his work, he can't be loyal to anyone", and I am Mr. Dependable :-). When I reached home I called her and discussed all about, she said I am coming to your place @1pm but I suggested her that if you are opting for Metro then try coming to Noida Sector 18 as it is close to me as well and I will pick you from there.
I took a nap of 2.5 hours hardly, because she called me again and I woke up by her call, as considering that she would call me before a hour as she know my daily schedule, and I put my phone on ringing mode, otherwise when I go to sleep usually i put my phone silent because daily I receive around 20 messages and around 10 miscalls and I get interrupted during my sleep.

 Journey Begins:-
I woke up and got ready the way picture is attached above. Picked keys of car and rushed to Noida sector 18, picked her from metro station. And then we decided to go to GIP as it was near by, sat over there for around an hour and discussed some things and also had meal from Mc Donald 3rd floor in GIP, she is recruitment HR, so she had to go to Munirka for some interview stuff, dropped here there in Munirka and came back to my place.
While coming from there I received a call from my friend who is also my neighbour, he said to me that we need to go to GIP and purchase movie ticket for HOUSE FULL.

Me With My Friends:-
When I reached him he and his cousin brother who is also my friend was also ready to go, they were waiting for me, now i have parked the car and decided to go through bikes... Both were sport bikes sort of.. one was Karizma and second was Yamaha FZ, going from my place to GIP we picked Toll Road but when we started rain tried to become our obstacle, but nobody can stop us, we continue our ride in rain only... now you can imagine a windy atmosphere with rain, and its a toll road and bikes were on speed of 120KPH. It was mind blowing. And the pic here is GIP 3rd floor. It was a co-incidence going to GIP and having something to eat from Mc Donald again on the same day but with different set of friends, there we enjoyed a lot. when we got bore from the mall we came to the open parking of GIP and was cracking jokes on each other and laughing. Coming back from there we opted to come from Kalindi Kunj, now this time I was riding Yamaha. And when I came home I did not know where I was after going to bed as I was so tiered.

Next Day(Sunday):-
Today I Woke up at 2PM, because last day I did not had my sufficient sleep and was tiered as well.
When I had a look on my phone it was around 20miscalls from my friend and 14 abusing messages that where the hell I am, because he has already booked movie ticket for us, I called him apologised for it and ran to him, because we don't want to miss the show, this time we were only two guys who went for the show at Shipra CSM Waves at sector 18 Noida, The first half of the movie was good, but later half was not so interesting, coming from there I was riding the bike, it was 10 at night when we were on the way to home, was feeling so hungry because I did not had anything whole day apart from some popcorn during the interval.

What I have observed:-
We really enjoy with different type of friends, but a person can enjoy friendly outing the most with their friend of same sex. Because If there is a group of guys and a girl is there then he can't be so out spoken, he has to be concious before delivering his words, and I think somewhat same is the case with girls, If she is with a guy or group of guys she can't be so comfortable as well, like she can be with the group of girls, but may be i can be wrong as well.

Uploading some pictures of some of my moments.

               At Parking Lot
Watching movie
Getting Fuel for our Bikes

Hotel Raddison night view and Sweet Corn shop outside Waves

Friday, April 30, 2010

Puraani Yaadein.. & Training Yesterday

I was going through my old pictures and found one of the pic which was clicked 2.5 years back from now.
When my organization was just struggling to stand on its own.
We were around 300 people in my organization, and was working under surveillance, now we have made our own entity, with around 2000 people working for it, and there is no need to give a brief about my organization, as it has already boomed very rapidly in an Insurance Sector.
You can say that my company has grown in front of my eyes in India, though its established long time back in U.S.A.. When I got recruited for it people hardly have an idea about its existence here, but now people of the same sector are dying to get hired.

Many people left the organization and moved some where else, in the above pic only 4 people are still rendering their services by keeping faith with their employer, and I am one of them. This was the Team which made the ground rules for the process which is making good revenues for the organization currently.

Business Executive Presence:-
I got the training yesterday for BEP, this training gives the thorough knowledge that how management actually thinks and derive results from their employees. Because they want us to have a leadership skills in us, You can also go through the book "Like a CEO".
That training was useful for me to understand several things.
1. Attrition rate:-
It means percentage of people leaving the organization, and the impact of the same.
2. Attendance:-
How much attendance you want to fulfill according to your client's need, and if the attendance decreases what impact it left over the organization in monitory terms.
3. Role of Supervisor:-
They taught us that how you have to manage things when you will
be at their level, and how exactly your management thinks as of now.
4. BCP(Business Continuity Planning):-
BCP is the term derived for continuing of the business if any natural mis-happening has occoured into your Office premises, for example Fire & Earth-quake. This is the plan which would have a overlook for the safety of the employees, and business should also not suffer on the other hand.
   5. Root cause analysis:-
Whenever we look at something we just see the output or result to make our own decisions and ignore that how exactly that thing works, lets take an example of TREE... If someone talks with you about the trees on Earth, most probably first picture which will come to your mind is green leaves, fruits which it produce, a brown trunk, but you will never think of that how that tree is managing to stand on the surface, how roots are helpful for it, how much sun light air and carbon-di-oxide helps it to grow, an another good example would be a Movie, whenever we go ta watch movie, we just see how is story line up, music, and how people has acted into it, but we never think of the responsible people behind it which make it successfull to release in market like Director, Producer, Choreographer, Music Director, and also a Spot boy who has the responsibility to overcome the small and tiny needs of the people working for that movie.

Have learned several things, which might be or might not be useful for you, as I am sharing here. Always remember "SOME THINGS ARE GOOD TO KNOW, AND SOME THINGS ARE NEED TO KNOW".
And this part comes under Good To Know Section as this helps you to think big, as well as Need To Know which makes you understand that where exactly your organization stand internally.

If you are attending any of the training, wether you are in the corporate world, school or college, or into some seminar, you just need your eyes & mind to be wide open. You never know which module can become useful for you in coming future. Its just you who need to get focused.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Speed breakers

Sometimes we are running at our steady pace in our life, and suddenly you get to know that there is a speed breaker ahead, what all measures you can think of, because that speed breaker can impact you in several ways.
  • May be you can slower down your speed.
  • May be you can get disbalance.
  • May be you can fall down, and start again for the same speed.
  • May be you can rise in air for fraction of seconds.
  • Or may be you are out of the game now.
But overall we get impact...
A small breaker is coming on my way. Lets see what gonna happen

BREAKING NEWS:- People in my office planning to go out of Delhi for 2 days on this weekend, I am not sure that this planning is going to be modulated, If this plan comes into picture, then for sure I would be the part of it, Rishikesh and Haridwar may be the place.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why We Compromise Always

This is the word which we see in our daily routine, most of the time we have to face it, then your family, friends and close ones.
Everyone has their own right to express themself, If we think we are right then why we bring this word "Compromise" in between. And this word usually come into existence when we are attached emotionally with someone, people with whom you are attached and for whom you are compromising should also understand us, that we are not happy but for your happiness we are compromising.

Recent experience:-
Had a phone conversation with one of my friend yesterday, and that friend is a girl, though she is getting married in couple of months, but still she is not happy as most of the time a bride is very much excited before her marriage, she don't believe in love kind of thing, but she is compromising, I dig into it and try to know the reason that why she was not happy. Because she is getting married for her family, although she is not mentally prepared for it.
Is this the correct time for her to get marry? A BIG "NO"
This relation might not work for her. Why our family don't understand sometimes that what a child wants, living socially is good, but why we are getting killed for the sake of socialism.
It was just an example. Lets bring different things into picture.

1. Gf compromising for Bf:-
Several times I have noticed that a boy friend wants all her time, she also have many friends but because of his boy she maintain distance from the rest, and if he see her talking to a guy who is a stranger, then aaahh she has to give tons of explanations,I mean common she want her own space, at the end its her life so let her live. The biggest compromise of a girl she has to leave her home after getting married.
2. BF compromise for Gf:-
If a guy is in love with a girl and he is got engaged with some of his work, in the regular intervals complaint box gets full from the girl, and the guy has to come up to all her complaints, otherwise she thinks she made the bad decision being with him, and the biggest compromise guys do they live separately after getting married from his parents just because she is not comfortable with guy's family, he forgets that he is into a existence because of his parents, Please.... when you people will grow, they are your parents they need you primarily, our first priority should be our parents only who vanished themselves for us. Its your parents who has more rights on us.
3. Children compromise for their Parents:-
When we are kids, we don't get enough time from our parents, because they are busy to earn, and do not understand that some of their time is meant for us also. And when we become a grown up child, they want us to study according to their interest, don't even bother that what talent we have and in what field, and when we are in age to get married, and if by mistake we are in love with someone, according to them it is a blunder which we have done, they don't even think of our feelings, always give more importance to social values rather then their own children feelings.

3. Compromise with Siblings.
4. Compromise with close ones.
5. Compromise with Friends.
6. Compromise with the Company rules you are working in.


Still searching for many answers.........