Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why We Compromise Always

This is the word which we see in our daily routine, most of the time we have to face it, then your family, friends and close ones.
Everyone has their own right to express themself, If we think we are right then why we bring this word "Compromise" in between. And this word usually come into existence when we are attached emotionally with someone, people with whom you are attached and for whom you are compromising should also understand us, that we are not happy but for your happiness we are compromising.

Recent experience:-
Had a phone conversation with one of my friend yesterday, and that friend is a girl, though she is getting married in couple of months, but still she is not happy as most of the time a bride is very much excited before her marriage, she don't believe in love kind of thing, but she is compromising, I dig into it and try to know the reason that why she was not happy. Because she is getting married for her family, although she is not mentally prepared for it.
Is this the correct time for her to get marry? A BIG "NO"
This relation might not work for her. Why our family don't understand sometimes that what a child wants, living socially is good, but why we are getting killed for the sake of socialism.
It was just an example. Lets bring different things into picture.

1. Gf compromising for Bf:-
Several times I have noticed that a boy friend wants all her time, she also have many friends but because of his boy she maintain distance from the rest, and if he see her talking to a guy who is a stranger, then aaahh she has to give tons of explanations,I mean common she want her own space, at the end its her life so let her live. The biggest compromise of a girl she has to leave her home after getting married.
2. BF compromise for Gf:-
If a guy is in love with a girl and he is got engaged with some of his work, in the regular intervals complaint box gets full from the girl, and the guy has to come up to all her complaints, otherwise she thinks she made the bad decision being with him, and the biggest compromise guys do they live separately after getting married from his parents just because she is not comfortable with guy's family, he forgets that he is into a existence because of his parents, Please.... when you people will grow, they are your parents they need you primarily, our first priority should be our parents only who vanished themselves for us. Its your parents who has more rights on us.
3. Children compromise for their Parents:-
When we are kids, we don't get enough time from our parents, because they are busy to earn, and do not understand that some of their time is meant for us also. And when we become a grown up child, they want us to study according to their interest, don't even bother that what talent we have and in what field, and when we are in age to get married, and if by mistake we are in love with someone, according to them it is a blunder which we have done, they don't even think of our feelings, always give more importance to social values rather then their own children feelings.

3. Compromise with Siblings.
4. Compromise with close ones.
5. Compromise with Friends.
6. Compromise with the Company rules you are working in.


Still searching for many answers.........


  1. My dear Arsh,
    I read ur blog thoroughly and could feel ur anguish. but when we do compromise for our loved ones, its our love for them. We cant do everything according to us by hurting other.
    Give a damn to society but our family is also part of society who is more vulnerable than us.

    I can relate myself in first category. COMPROMISE FOR BF. Every sentence in that unfortunately true. But when we are doing so many sacrifices for our bf atleast then, we can expect some of his time.

  2. What are you saying Wafa... you are not Single now, good :-)

  3. No dear. I m talking about my experience when I was committed with someone. I has been very long time of break up, even before meeting u
