Monday, April 26, 2010

IJP(Internal Job Posting)

IJP(Internal Job Posting):-
First of all let me tell you what an IJP is...
Its an internal movement within the organization, for growth perspective, If you have applied for an IJP, you have to go through several formalities within the organization, like interview & sharing your thoughts regarding the post you have applied for, and what all you have done and accomplished in your past.
With the description above I think you got it what I am talking about.

An IJP with me:-
I can't Imagine how I can be so weird and foolish, Two week back I have applied for an IJP, and I knew that any time I can go within the procedure of it.
Most of the time I am in professionals, but on this very day I was in casuals, you can make out with the pic above on the right, which was clicked before going to work. My Supervisor told me that you have to go through interview today for the IJP you have applied, and I was like.... look at me looking like a bully. A bearded man, can you even imagine a guy with the pic above going for an interview for some high level. I was so embarrassed before going for it.  

     I knew that before going for something serious which is related to my work I should look professional, because presenting yourself is the best way from which you make anyone to hire you for the best suitable job, Your body posture how you are presenting yourself add on to the total points. Well my overall interview according to me was good, but I don't know what perception they got from me. It is really a close call, because there are around 30-50 people who applied for this and I have to compete with all of them. If the things gone right in the proper way I want to, I am just hoping and keeping my fingers crossed for my next role, I have given my 100% but future is un-forseen, you never know what is going to happen. Becuase "Beyond your fate and before the time you will never get the things you are wishing for."   

If you have work profile with the brand name or wether you are into your own business, try to be professional everytime during working hours, because you never know when your life is going to click. And perform at your best and become a good competitor, because without showing your comptitive skills your "Career" "Success" & "Growth" are not going to follow you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It’s a good one however you need to start taking it seriously. I know your potential but even an Diamond has to go through many many test before hitting the market..

  3. Yeah Preet...
    This thing is already into the pipeline...
    And I am all set for all the test I have to be through.

  4. I learnt a lot from your this experience.......

  5. If my blog is really working for you Wafa then I m more then happy :-)
